

Abstract submission is now closed


Abstract Submission Guidelines

Step 1: Before signing up or logging into the online system (in Step 4), please review all of the following steps to ensure you have the information needed to complete the abstract submission process.

Note: To submit an abstract directly by email to simsworkshop@rice.edu, please download the word template.

Step 2: Select a topic to present your abstract from the list below.

S0: Surface Analysis – Poster only

S1: SIMS fundamentals – Oral/Poster
S2: Recent Advancements in SIMS – Oral/Poster
S3: Industrial Applications – Oral/Poster
S4: SIMS solutions in Materials and Life Sciences – Oral/Poster
S5: Beyond SIMS – Oral/Poster

Step 3: Fill out the abstract content and author details in the system (abstract 2,700 characters max. including punctuation and spacing; you may also submit a supplemental 1 page PDF file containing any graphs, charts or pictures you wish to include.

Step 4: Submit abstract before the deadline.

Author Notification

Acknowledgment that your abstract has been submitted will follow by email shortly after submission. Notifications regarding acceptances will be sent by email by June 15, 2023. Late news author notification will be e-mailed on July 15, 2023.

Abstract Submission

Links for more detailed information:

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