
Please add us to your acknowledgement section of your communications if you use SEA facilities and/or instrumentation:

Example“This work conducted in part using resources of the Shared Equipment Authority at Rice University.”

This practice enables more successful grant applications for future research funding at Rice, especially for proposals involving shared instrumentation.

Must include the phrase: Shared Equipment Authority at Rice University”

The instrument is supported by the National Science Foundation (CBET-1626418). All users are required to acknowledge the NSF in any publications that make use of the ToF SIMS. The following text can be used:

“ToF-SIMS analysis were carried out with support provided by the National Science Foundation CBET-1626418 and the Shared Equipment Authority at Rice University.”

Affiliation Tanguy Terlier1

1: Rice University, Shared Equipment Authority, SIMS laboratory, 6100 Main Street, 77005 Houston Texas, United States.

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