A computer for data analysis is available to all users of the Rice SIMS facility. The computer can be reserved in the SIMS calendar, and assistance with data analysis is available from the SIMS staff for free. See below for rates and policies on different types of SIMS use, collaboration, and service.
Note: The instrument is also dedicated to the education as academic experience instrument for the course, CHBE 634 Surface Analysis Methods in Materials Science
Rice SIMS Facility Fee for Usage, Service & Training
- Internal, Rice University: $50/hr. (+ $70/hr. in fee-for-service) / training: $120/hr.
- External, Non-profit (Academic): $78.25/hr. (+ $110/hr. in fee-for-service) / training: $188.25/hr.
- External, For-profit (Industry): $250/hr. (+ $120/hr. in fee-for-service) / training: $575/hr.
TRAINED USER ACCESS AND COLLABORATIVE USE: This rate applies to users who have been trained to work independently on the instrument (see below) and users who collaborate with the SIMS facility staff. Trained users must be authorized by SIMS facility to work independently. In collaborative use, the SIMS staff will assist with all aspects of SIMS and SPM analysis, including sample loading and mounting, SIMS analysis, SPM analysis, and data interpretation. Users who which to work collaboratively and agree to the collaborative rate should list the SIMS staff (Tanguy Terlier) as a co-author on all publications that incorporate SIMS data.
SERVICE: Rice facility fee for service includes sample mounting, transfer of the sample holder under Ultra-High Vacuum chamber and ToF-SIMS analysis. Basic interpretation of the data will be provided, i.e., mass calibration, intensity of the major compounds, and depth profiles or mappings of the major compounds. Advanced data treatment can also be provided for additional service charges.
TRAINING: The training fee can be split between multiple participants who are trained in a single session. A maximum of three people per group will be allowed. Three different levels of training are offered:
- The basic level is 4 hours of training, including a detailed introduction of the ToF-SIMS technique and about 2 hours of practice on the spectrometry and imaging.
- The advanced level is about 8 hours of training. Beyond the basic training, the advanced session includes about 2 hours of practice on depth profiling and an initiation of data treatment with ToF-SIMS (spectrum analysis, data calibration …).
- The expert level takes about 12 hours of training. This session is recommended for the users with interest in surface and interfacial analysis of more challenging materials or structures. Expert training introduces the most advanced tools on the instrument such as the combination of ToF-SIMS analysis with in-situ AFM for a 3D reconstruction. The training includes 2 hours of volume render analysis and 1 hour of AFM. An advanced presentation of data treatment with ToF-SIMS (quantification, 3D reconstruction and multivariate analysis …) will be provided.
It is recommended that the training sessions be completed in two weeks. A training certificate will be provided for each level after two to four usages on the instrument. Users with a training certificate can obtain access to the instrument for independent use.
Rice SIMS Facility Service: rate & service description
- Method Development and Custom Projects: complex analyses such as, analysis of isotopic ratio, identification of fragment patterns, detection of trace elements, concentration calibration, in depth calibration, correlative analysis SPM with ToF-SIMS, 3D volume reconstruction, sample preparation, method development, or assay development, will be charged at an hourly rate.
Please consult Rice SIMS Facility to discuss projects before submitting samples. Any method development or custom work will be discussed and agreed to prior to being performed.
- Additional Data Analysis: Researchers are encouraged to make use of the Rice SIMS facility data analysis computer. The facility has only one vendor software package available and several open access data analysis programs for image treatment. The Rice SIMS facility data analysis computer is in accessible without extra charges. The help on the program will be also provided by the Rice SIMS facility staff.
Projects requiring extensive data analysis by Rice SIMS facility staff as an extended data analysis, will be charged at an hourly rate.
- Not all samples are compatible to the Ultra-High Vacuum techniques. Please consult with facility personnel prior to submitting samples
- Rates are subject to change without notice. Please consult with facility staff to confirm current pricing
Additional Information:
- For technical SIMS Facility inquiries please contact Tanguy Terlier, Ph.D., tanguy.terlier@rice.edu, 713‐348‐6826
- For administrative questions and questions related to establishing a SEA account please contact Meri Dix, meri.c.dix@rice.edu, 713‐348‐8233
- For general questions related to Rice University Shared Equipment please contact Angelo Benedetto, Ph.D., angelo@rice.edu, 713‐348‐8207
- To become a SEA user and create an account please visit https://sea.rice.edu/about/becoming-sea-user
- For walk‐up users, to create an instrument reservation and to log on to existing reservations please visit https://fom.rice.edu